Domestic Asbestos Surveys

As with commercial surveys, there are 2 types of survey for asbestos that can be carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Guidelines Publication HSG 264 depending on the requirement.

  • Location and Management Surveys, and,
  • Pre-Major Refurbishment / Pre-Demolition Surveys

There is currently no legal requirement to have a survey for asbestos undertaken in a private dwelling, however, ASL are being increasing requested to do so, generally after the recommendation of a Chartered Surveyor or from solicitors managing sales (some mortgage lending institutions now require a survey as part of their lending criteria).

ASL can offer a speedy and cost efficient service for home owners or prospective purchasers requiring a full home asbestos survey.

Prices for a full survey range from £195 for a one bedroom flat upwards. Please call us for a no obligation quotation.

ASL can also carry out domestic asbestos surveys for homeowners looking for peace of mind and lending institutions / banks etc. The dwelling does not need to be vacant; a full survey can be carried out in a fully occupied home.

Location and Management Surveys can be carried out with total safety of occupants whether present during the survey or not. No visible damage to the property when samples are taken will be evident. Pre-major refurbishment surveys are best carried out when the property is unoccupied.

For those home owners who suspect they may have small quantities of ‘low hazard’ asbestos and just need a sample taken of low risk products such as artex and floor tiles, ASL have a simple, safe, DIY sampling kit called AsbestoKit.

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